We only have only been in the New Year, according to the Gregorians, for a little while. Now we can bid farewell to 2016. And what a year it has been. I have heard on almost every front, that this year has been the hardest, most difficult year most can remember. It has been for me as well. Though I have not suffered nearly the pain of those in Gatlinburg, Standing Rock, Syria, and the list goes on and on. There is much suffering in the world right now. And I open my arms to you. I will not be silenced by pain. I will not stop foraging, doing magic and listening. And so, we go on. I'd like to forge ahead and wrap up our Folkloric Uses of Wood series, for we've only two more to go, and much more to explore and gather. Our next magical tree will be Basswood. Wilhelm Müller: |
January 2025
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